The clinical features and surgical treatment of septic shock in patients with acute abdomenal disease 急腹症合并感染性休克患者的临床特点与治疗分析
Treatment of Surgical Septic Shock with Multiple Organs Failure ( Report of 41 Cases) 外科感染性休克并发多脏器功能衰竭的治疗(附41例报告)
Objective To discuss the management of surgical acute abdomen with septic or hemorrhagic shock. 目的探讨外科急腹症合并感染性或出血性休克时的临床处理。
Massive blood loss shock is caused by uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock, it is to belong to a kind of severe blood loss, surgical is one of the most common type of shock. 大量的失血而引起的休克即为失血性休克,是属于低血容量性休克的一种,是外科最常见的休克类型之一。